Thursday, 28 April 2011

Books I've chosen, next steps

Ok, so I've picked out a few Android books to read:
  • Android Programming Tutorials by Mark L. Murphy (meant for Android 3.0!)
  • Professional Android 2 Development by Reto Meier
I was considering having this blog talk about each chapter as I read them and test them out, but that would probably be a horribly boring blog and nobody would want to read it.  So instead, I'm going to talk more about game design decisions I'm making for my unnamed bomberman-style game.

Can't wait to get started.


  1. Sounds like this should be an interesting blog!
    Also, congratulations on choosing to make an android game instead of iPhone

  2. shit ill read it i like learning new things

  3. I'll read it too. I like edumactional (haha) blogs, most I have are about gaming. I wonder how much these books cost too.

  4. awesome! what platform will your game be on? if its android, im downloading it!

  5. Good luck on putting the prog skills to use

  6. That sounds like fun. Good luck with your bomberman-styled game.

  7. Goodluck, i've got android so when it comes out i'll definentally buy it!

  8. Alright, keeps us informed of wats up man :3

  9. Sounds great bro, following :)

  10. Let us know how to download it once it's made!

  11. Good choices, that's going to be a very strong market for a good while. +Follow

  12. Let us know if they are worth a read

  13. Nice! I love android development. Keep it going brotha and keep us informed

  14. Asa an indie game dev myself, I wish you the best of luck!

  15. Does sound interesting stuff, may pick up those books if I get some free time.

  16. Lol I love shit like this! Picking up those books too.

  17. I'm working on an app for my college's radio station - so far it's been pretty easy!

  18. Android develloping is very develloper friendly !

  19. Bomberman is super fun and addictive. At least you know what the game should be like. Are you going to release this game in the market at some point?

  20. I was thinking about it. Right now I'm thinking about programming it so that it connects to a central server which does most of the processing and find a way to allow people to play together across multiple platforms - transfer everything through text so that iPhone, Android and whatever other platforms that can be used to play games can all play together. Just an idea though.
